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Сб, 01 червня 2024

Love and Other Disasters

Love and Other Disasters

"Love & Other Disasters" (2006) "Любовь и другие катастрофы"


Starring: Brittany Murphy

Featuring (for like 5 seconds): Orlando Bloom & Gwyneth Paltrow

91 min.

Rated: PG-13 for crude & sexual content

Produced by Luc Besson

A hyperactive and high-fashion American transplant living in London and working for Vogue magazine does her best to enhance the lives of those around her while remaining blissfully unaware of the man who longs to profess his true love to her in an ultra-modern romantic comedy. Emily Jackson (Brittany Murphy) lives a charmed life. Always on the go in her Mini Cooper and able to talk until the sun comes up and then some, her fast-paced lifestyle belies a sensitive soul who takes great joy in playing matchmaker for her many friends. It's Emily's roommate and constant companion, Peter (Matthew Rhys), who usually becomes the subject of the quirky Cupid's frequent pairings, and when handsome new photographer's assistant Paolo (Santiago Cabrera) arrives at the Vogue offices, Emily makes it her mission to bring the two together. Emily is so busy arranging a love connection between them that she remains completely blind to the obvious torch carried for her by the one suitor who longs to provide her with the loving companionship that she so cheerfully arranges for others.

ACE - American Conversational English. Saturdays, at 4.30 p.m. at Dom Uchionykh (House of Scientists) at 2 Kuibysheva Street, first floor. Moderators - Jeff or Spencer (will take turns). We will not teach you the regular shit they teach at schools, we are gonna let you speak a foreign language. As usual, it's hard to explain - come and see for yourself! UAH15 a person.

Бабчег  (30.11.07 14:44): Спилберг? Ту миллион долларс? Фак ю, Спилберг! Відповісти | З цитатою
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