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Дніпро » Афіша
Пт, 17 травня 2024

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe

Genres: Action/Adventure, Science Fiction/Fantasy and Adaptation
2 hrs. 19 min. English subtitles
Staring: Skandar Keynes, William Moseley, Anna Popplewell, Tilda Swinton
Directed by: Andrew Adamson

Four young adventurers playing hide-and-seek in the country home of an old professor stumble upon an enchanted wardrobe that will take them places they never dreamed. Stepping through the wardrobe door, they are whisked out of World War II London into the spectacular parallel universe known as Narnia - a fairy-tale realm of magical proportions where woodland animals talk and mythological creatures roam the hills. But Narnia has fallen under the icy spell of a mad sorceress, cursed to suffer through a winter that never ends by the White Witch Jadis.

Now, aided by Narnia's rightful leader, the wise and mystical lion Aslan, the four Pevensie children will discover their own strength and lead Narnia into a spectacular battle to be free of the Witch's glacial enslavement forever.

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