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Дніпро » Афіша
Пт, 17 травня 2024

Rumor Has It...

Rumor Has It...

Genres: Comedy, Drama and Sequel
2 hrs. 10 min. English subtitles
Staring: Jennifer Aniston, Mark Ruffalo, Shirley MacLaine, Kevin Costner
Directed by: Rob Reiner Alex & Emma (2003), The Majestic (2001) The Story of Us (1999) Sleepless in Seattle (1993)

Sarah Huttinger's life is in a tailspin. She's finally agreed to marry her boyfriend Jeff, but isn't at all sure that marriage is what she really wants--in fact, she's not sure what she wants in general. As conflicted as she is about her love life, her professional life isn't much better--an aspiring journalist, Sarah's career has stalled at the New York Times obituary column.

To top it all off, she's on her way home to attend her sister's wedding, which means spending a lot of time with her tennis-obsessed Pasadena family. Somewhat of a black sheep, Sarah's never quite felt a part of things when it comes to her relatives. But when she meets Internet millionaire Beau Burroughs, their encounter unexpectedly unlocks some well-kept secrets that may help Sarah uncover the truth about her family and finally discover who she truly is, once and for all.

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