General information:
Year construction - December, 1995
Stations in operation - 6
Stations under construction - 3
Line's length - 7.8 km
Train's movement interval - 7-17 min. (5 min. perspective)
Operation time - 5.30-23.00
Cars in a train - 3
One way trip time - ~14 min (10 min. perspective)
Ticket price - 8 UAH (one trip, one way, since 2021),
Fare jetons
Nowadays under construction are three stations from Central railway station to the Center of the city: Teatralna (nearly Theater of Drama and Comedy), Tsentralna (Main square) and Muzeina (nearly Museum of History).
Muzeyna station is connected to railway terminal. The Terminal should be served northern and southern suburbs by the new Rail-Bus system (Light train).
Dnipro City Metro Main Office:
Upravlinnia Dniprovskogo Metropolitenu
(Metropoliten Main Office)
vul. Kurchatova, 8
Dnipro, 49000
+38 (056) 778 65 33